Kamis, 09 Februari 2012


Baru aja tadi diumumin sisa-siswa yang boleh daftar di SNMPTN undangan.. dan gue gak termasuk salah satunya.

My parent's were really dissapointed at me. 
Yeah, I know, but it's not only hard for you, mom, dad, it hurts me too..
Terpukul? Iya. Banget. But regreting won't change anything. Gue sadar gue masih belum belajar. Dan Tuhan pasti masih punya rencana yang lebih indah buat gue. Masih ada jalan lain buat masuk PTN kok. I know, He wants me to struggle more, push my self through the limits, and bayar harga buat ngedapetin itu semua.

It may be hard, but I'll try to do my best. I believe there's a bright future for me. For He's the planner. And He is my God.

For I know that the best is yet to come!

Sebab masa depan sungguh ada, dan harapanmu tidak akan hilang..